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FHIR in Healthcare
日時: 2024/02/14 17:45
名前: Rockit開発
参照: https://rockitteam.com/blogs/how-fhir-is-changing-data-interoperability-in-healthcare/

As with every industry, healthcare primarily provides high-quality care to patients at the right time. This requires timely access to and exchange of accurate health data. An ever-growing amount of healthcare data, the rise of “online culture”, and heavy reliance on digital technology have made adopting modern technologies necessary in healthcare. Enter the need for a standardized, secure, quick, and easy data exchange between various healthcare information systems, databases, applications, and software used across the healthcare industry.

Regulatory initiatives in the United States have played a crucial role in advancing healthcare interoperability. The journey commenced in 2019 with the initiation of Federal Interoperability Efforts dedicated to fostering and executing interoperability. A pivotal government initiative, the draft of the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA) surfaced in 2018. Subsequently, 2019 marked the initiation of collaborative efforts with various regulations, witnessing annual advancements in interoperability.

A breakthrough occurred in 2021 when every ONC-certified Electronic Health Record (EHR) system in the US was mandated to implement Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR). This requirement represented a significant stride in interoperability, laying the foundation for the current state of affairs.

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Re: FHIR in Healthcare ( No.1 )
日時: 2024/02/15 17:16
名前: lenahalminton  <lenahalminton@gmail.com>
参照: https://wordleunlimited.one

That's amazing! They're exactly what I was looking for! I thank you all for sharing these wonderful and satisfying experiences with me! Now let's go with family and friends. を入力してください
Re: FHIR in Healthcare ( No.2 )
日時: 2024/03/05 11:45
名前: tommchris  <tommchris7@gmail.com>
参照: https://kinitopet.io/

Re: FHIR in Healthcare ( No.3 )
日時: 2024/03/12 09:59
名前: lunadam  <helendam.gm@gmail.com>
参照: https://geometrydashweb.com

音楽とゲームプレイの完璧な融合を体験する準備はできていますか? ジオメトリ ダッシュがあなたを待っています。
Re: FHIR in Healthcare ( No.4 )
日時: 2024/04/06 13:37
名前: That's Not My Neighb  <lilycollins9x@gmail.com>
参照: https://thatsnot-myneighbor.io/

TEFCA や ONC 認定 EHR システムへの FHIR の導入などの規制イニシアチブは、推進において重要な役割を果たしています。
&#24320;&#21457;商 ( No.5 )
日時: 2024/05/07 06:01
名前: lara  <robert93287@gmail.com>
参照: https://bloxstrap.dev/

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&#24320;&#21457;商 ( No.6 )
日時: 2024/05/07 06:02
名前: lara  <robert93287@gmail.com>
参照: https://ro-exec.net/

非常感&#35874;&#24744;的善意之言! 正是像&#24744;&#36825;&#26679;的&#35780;&#35770;使分享&#35265;解和信息&#21464;得如此有意&#20041;。 感&#35874;&#24744;的&#36190;&#36175;并&#35753;我度&#36807;了愉快的一天!
Re: FHIR in Healthcare ( No.7 )
日時: 2024/06/28 16:23
名前: leona
参照: https://papasscooperia.io/

With effort and perseverance, players will become an excellent ice cream waiter への
Re:ヘルスケアにおける FHIR ( No.8 )
日時: 2024/07/09 02:48
名前: harleywatsan  <ffh4x.me@gmail.com>
参照: https://vneditorforpc.com/

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Re: ヘルスケアにおける FHIR ( No.9 )
日時: 2024/07/09 02:50
名前: dawidwatsan  <kipasguyspro@gmail.com>
参照: https://kipasguys.pro/

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