Re: friday night funkin ( No.1 ) |
- 日時: 2022/08/18 13:20
- 名前: carlhammond <>
- 参照:
- この投稿を読んでうれしいです
Re: friday night funkin ( No.2 ) |
- 日時: 2022/09/13 17:17
- 名前: oramask <>
- 参照:
- この投稿を この投稿を読んでうれしいです
Re: friday night funkin ( No.3 ) |
- 日時: 2022/11/01 18:35
- 名前: trap the cat
- 参照:
- Trap the Cat is an intellectual puzzle game in which your job is simply to click on circle boxes to create a cage and trap the black cat inside. The game starts with a minimalist interface: the board with various green circle boxes looks like a bee hive, with a black cat inside. Your mission is very clear: just prevent the cat from jumping off the board. Once the cat escapes the cage, the game is over. That sounds easy, but in fact, it’s not as simple as you expect. It means you can not click the boxes randomly. Besides having a wise strategy, you also enhance your quickness. Jump into the game and enjoy!